Saturday, November 13, 2010

Retrospect and Prospect

I've been having another one of those days. Actually it went from last night into today....

There are days I really look at my life in a different perspective. Instead of looking forward to things in the future, these are the days where I'm looking at my past, and thinking about how things flew past me up to this very moment. My years are starting to fly by. It's already near the end of 2010, it was just yesterday that the new year came. I had all these goals I was determined to complete...but I've only completed 11 out of 25. I realized that the limit on most of those things depended on my financial state. What a shame...

I was riding on the highway yesterday with Christian, and tried imagining all the cars and roads and lights not being there. I couldn't fathom that none of this use to exist.
I still find it hard to believe the position I was put in also in terms of time. I could have been placed in this world thousands of years ago...but instead I was placed in it when technology started advancing at full-speed, and people started neglecting their Creator more and more. I was put in a time period that the prophets in the Bible were talking about. I was put in a generation that beckons so much change, and I'm one of the few called to move against society's currents. I've been called to take that huge step out that most people won't. I've been put in a time period where all the creativity and originality has already been sucked out of the arts. We've already discovered what our souls desire in a good song or story. It's so finite that it seems nearly all of them are the same if you look at the underlying meanings of each song and story.

We've all just been passing the baton generation by generation.