Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Update on Goals

So...at last, I reached my $600 goal!

It might not get up to $900 for a while though. I have to pay for my mission trip and what-not. =(
But hopefully I can accumulate lots of money over the summer.

Also, I completed something on my list of 2010 goals! See if you can find which one it is:

It was...

"Go on a road trip"! I went to Branson. =) It was a pretty fun trip. I didn't take many pictures, but I took quite a few videos. Maybe I'll post them on here sometime.

Also, I've been wanting to build up a new wardrobe. I've realized that all my shirts are like 2 years old or older. O_o I haven't went shopping for new shirts for a while. I bought one shirt today, but I'm very proud of my purchase. I've been showing it to everyone. Check it out:

Isn't it so fricken pretty?
I want to get more shirts that are artistic looking.
I got this one at T.J. Maxx for only $10.
It can be a weird store to shop at, but they have many different styles of clothing, and great prices. This shirt has good quality, I don't think it will be disappearing from my wardrobe anytime soon.

Tomorrow, I'll be able to complete another thing on my list! I'm going to complete, "Go to my favorite restaurant at the plaza."
Which is, "Fogo de chao"! I'm going with Christian and Madison Yoder. Madison and I memorized Philippians and Christian memorized James, so we were able to choose where we wanted to go. I chose that place last year, and it was amazing. I really wanted to go there with Christian, but it's so expensive, so I really wanted to go there again to spare us the money out of our own pockets. =P A huge thanks to my youth pastor, Darin Diggs for providing this opportunity!

Lastly, today I just submitted an application to work with Merge next Summer. I'm way ahead on that, says the director, but oh well. I'm excited to. =) I need to study up on Spanish, big time!

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