Friday, September 23, 2011

Home sweet home...

I have gotten a couple of chuckles from people when they've said things like, "It's not safe to stay there," or, "You wouldn't want to live in a place like that."
Really, I'd rather live humbly. When I am humbled, there I find the most when I lived in this house for a week:

I miss it there. I miss the dogs that lived on the roof that barked every time Liz and I went up those stairs on the right...and the little kittens and their mom on the stairs to meet me each morning. I miss the many nights of just talking with our family, sitting and watching TV with them, and the many nice breakfasts we had with them, complete with mora and cheese on toast. I even miss that rooster with an obnoxious crow that would stand right outside our bedroom window.

And of course I could never forget locking our keys in our room and resorting to getting them out with a long tube with wire on the end of well as the "burgular" outside of mine and Liz's room.

So many memories with these people...

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Mission Field

It's been a month today since leaving Ecuador. Already my heart is aching to go back to missions. I'm remembering the words that I was told that I am not to consider either here or there my 'home', because my citizenship is actually in heaven...even though I felt I was at home in Ecuador then I had to leave that home behind. I am becoming more and more detached from this world each day though I believe. I have been minding less and less giving it up because as James says, what am I? I am a mist that briefly appears, then quickly vanishes. If I am going to be a mist, I will be a mist with a fragrant aroma. I'll be a mist that influences other mists. I'll be a mist that furthers the kingdom of God. If I do not, I live in vain and selfishly.

I want to feel that joy again that I felt in this picture. This sweet little girl lives such a different life from those kids in the US. I am blessed to be able to be her little playmate for just a few minutes...

I am looking into Story Runners, who translate the Bible into languages who don't have it, and have "Scripture servants" go to those unreached people who don't have it, and live among them and tell them stories from the Bible. This is what I want to do. Each mission term is two years. So right now, I'm still deciding whether I'm going to go straight into this, or go to college a couple of years. I've been teetering on each decision, but right now if I could, I would choose to go straight into the mission field. I'm praying about it, though.

I realized last night I do feel God is calling me to do this...I do not know for sure, but I was trying to picture myself leaving all of this behind, namely my life here in the United States. Also all my friends and my family. I realized I might come back and realize how much I've missed. Many things can happen in that amount of time. What if I come home to find that any of my siblings or my friends got married? What if someone I know dies, or comes down with a bad illness?

I know that I'll come back to find that everyone has been going on with life without me, then I will have to try to fit back in again somehow. I realize these things, but I also know that I wouldn't rather do anything else with my life. I have such a privilege to do something like this, and so I hope it does work out. Still, I can't help writing this without a heavy heart.....

Until later
