Friday, March 16, 2012

#30 Revisit European Candy Store

Oh yeah! Crossed #30 off my list, along with my best friend...

Haha, he takes after my style. =P

Look! Thur it is!!

Holy---plethora of candy!!!

Times I have with my brother like this make me so thankful. We have great times together, and it's so great how our friendship has grown over the years.
As kids we use to fight a whole lot some days, and beat each other up (hahaha), and then other days we would call each other "best friend".

Together we have been growing in our faith and learning from each other, as we have endured changes with our lives and family together.

I love about him that he can understand my point of view on things, and we share the same views. Because of this we can talk to each other and not get into debates with each other.

We've shared many adventures together since our childhood, and they just keep getting better as we get older.

I'm so very blessed with him...very thankful he was able to help me cross this off my list. =)

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