Thursday, March 29, 2012

Today I am feeling the weight of responsibility...

I am humbled to think of the position I have been put in, and the weight of my influence. I have so many titles that I bear...

Big sister, little sister, daughter, co-worker, friend, fellow church member, fellow band member, etc.

I am weighed down by the thought of how I fill those roles each day.
Oh, how miserably I fail to fulfill all those roles in a loving, Christ-like manner to each of those people who refer to me under each of my titles.

How I long to fulfill those roles the way God wants me to...

I know I'm a wretch, my dear friends...but know that I am aware

Know that I have to rely on God's grace each day to help me fulfill the roles He has placed me in. I know I've made the excuse that I'm a busy person, but it gives me no excuse to shirk these responsibilities I have.

I cannot bear to imagine what it would be like if I were to leave the earth anytime soon without more reconciliation than I have to those who are around me. I cannot bear thinking that they might have been hurt by me for not fulfilling that role for them.

My dear Lord, help me with those roles each me in my steps each day as well, as I go out in this world as an ambassador for You. It's for Your glory alone that I live...and I thank you for that privledge. Amen.

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