Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012


So much has happened in the last month...but I never got to write about my awesome trip to Arkansas because I've just been so busy and haven't been writing very much at all. Also I was going to hold off until I had pictures to post...but I don't have my camera back yet. =(

From April 1st through the 4th, I went on an awesome trip to Arkansas where I went rock climbing for the first time ever...and I absolutely loved it!
My favorite things about that trip were:

1. Meeting Kim and Sean. They were so easy to get along with, and fun to be around. Kim and I were surprisingly a lot alike. =)

2. Spending some time outside of work with Josh! I love about him how he just goes with the flow with everything, is very spontaneous, a great leader, and is almost always up for an adventure. He was the one who invited me along, and thanks to him I went on a trip I consider to be the best trip since Ecuador!

3. Being surrounded by mountains once again. Given, they were not as impressive as the ones I was so use to seeing in Ecuador, but it was still incredibly beautiful and was reminiscent of Ecuador at least.

4. Seeing many, many stars! When we first arrived to our camp (at like 5 or 6 in the morning) I looked up and was able to see tons and tons of stars...it was so beautiful! I could have stared up there for hours.

5. Camping out in a teepee. That was quite an experience, though if there's a next time I'm probably at least going to bring a mattress pad and another blanket, because it wasn't so cozy sleeping on a boarded floor with just my sleeping bag...and every night I was freezing cold! Also if there is a next time, we need to take advantage of the little fire pit that was inside!

6. Humble living. I do enjoy it actually...It gives you a different, fresh perspective on certain things in life.
Other than the humble housing conditions, we also didn't have a shower. Also was quite reminiscent of my Ecua trip.

7. Storms in the middle of the night. I love waking up to an awesome storm...and it was especially awesome since we were sleeping in that teepee!

8. Going on the coolest hike I've ever been on! We went to this place called "Sam's Throne", and the coolest part was going through the catacombs (that's what they were called, right?). There was quite the element of danger, I especially realized when I climbed down from one boulder to another, looked back and saw that if I would have taken the wrong step, I could have fallen to my death. That's what makes the adventure more thrilling though. ;-)

9. Exploring the shops. They had the most interesting little antique stores and cafe's in this little town called Jasper that was a little up the road from the place we were staying.

My favorite store was this little art store, where this sweet lady made a bunch of necklaces and tiles all on her own, and she by herself. She was showing me a little bit of the process she goes about making her things, and was so open with me when I started asking her a little bit about herself. I decided to hand her a million dollar bill tract as I was leaving, and she said, "I love it!" And started to read it immediately. =)
I wanted to go back and buy this really awesome tree necklace she made, but when we went back, she was closed.

10. Rock climbing of course! Especially when I was able to finish climbing a route I couldn't before (and leaving a trail of blood in the process).
The highest one I climbed was about 70 feet, and when I got to the top, I was actually able to stand up. So I took in the magnificent view, and let out a barbaric YAWP! =)

11. Singing in a cave.
On the way back home, we left quite early...so Josh being the spontaneous one he is tried to look for some cool pit stop for us. After failing once (Hahahaha), we spotted Mystic Caverns. They had an awesome little gift shop with little figurines from Peru, different kinds of rocks on display behind glass, coon hats, staffs (one of which had a compass on them!), and different neat little things like that. We decided to tour two caves, and the second one, I was volunteered to sing on a "balcony" inside of the cave, while everyone else on the tour was watching below on the "dance floor". I sang the solo I was supposed to sing on Easter Sunday. I will never forget it! The acoustics were amazing in there. =)

12. Going to Lambert's for the first time.
Lambert's is probably one of the coolest, if not the coolest restaurant I've ever been to! Anything you order is unlimited, and they have different workers going around with fried okra, amazing, delicious rolls, and some other sides. Though I wish I had more of an appetite whenever we went. =(

So that's all I have for now...hopefully I can get my pictures to post soon! For now here's an amazing one that was taken by Kim during the awesome hike we went on:Sam's throne

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Slow Down...

Oh how I just can't seem to do this very thing.
I've been getting so caught up in work, and so distracted from the things I hold most dear.
I need to plan a get away...

I have this fantasy in my mind of the perfect place to be...it's always somewhere on a farm out in the middle of no where, where you can see billions of stars. I always picture myself being there on a cool summer night. I would have a little space in a barn to myself...surrounded by hay and stringed white lights. A little opening in the roof for a perfect view of the sky. I would be safe, secure. I would have a field to frolic through, and my heart would burst with excitement at the beauty all around me. I would sigh deeply and take in every precious moment. I feel at peace, and complete contentment. I lay on my back, with my hands folded behind my head, and search for shooting stars....

Friday, April 6, 2012

What a wretch...

Today I am feeling quite the weight...

I feel I keep getting my arms yanked in either direction in my life. Never would I thought that some plans that I had that I felt so sure about would seemingly start to drift away without a care in my heart.

And what a wretched thing it is indeed...this heart of mine.
It has hurt many, and has been hurt many
It has both compromised, and been set on one affection only

How I wish things would be as easy for me as it seems things are to others....

I embrace changes in my life so easily and could easily leave behind places and people I love, as terrible as it sounds.

I am truly the wretch the song refers to....