Saturday, April 14, 2012

Slow Down...

Oh how I just can't seem to do this very thing.
I've been getting so caught up in work, and so distracted from the things I hold most dear.
I need to plan a get away...

I have this fantasy in my mind of the perfect place to's always somewhere on a farm out in the middle of no where, where you can see billions of stars. I always picture myself being there on a cool summer night. I would have a little space in a barn to myself...surrounded by hay and stringed white lights. A little opening in the roof for a perfect view of the sky. I would be safe, secure. I would have a field to frolic through, and my heart would burst with excitement at the beauty all around me. I would sigh deeply and take in every precious moment. I feel at peace, and complete contentment. I lay on my back, with my hands folded behind my head, and search for shooting stars....

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