Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Goals for this year

I'm proud of this. Hahaha. I'll post on here whenever I've finished a goal on my list.

  • Go to the International House of Prayer (Complete)
  • Learn to drive
  • Get a car
  • Get a job that I enjoy (Complete)
  • Memorize another book of the Bible (Complete)
  • Go on another mission trip
  • Go to a tropical climate for a vacation
  • Go camping
  • Meet new people (Complete)
  • Go to my favorite restaurant at the plaza
  • Go to New York city
  • Get my own fishing pole and go fishing
  • Get my own bow and arrows and learn archery
  • Go to Acquire the Fire
  • Go to Rock the Light
  • See Deas Vail in concert
  • See Owl City in concert
  • Go to a dance (Complete)
  • Play a sport I've never played
  • Eat a type of food I've never eaten
  • Go ice skating
  • Go on a road trip
  • Go to California
  • Go to the zoo (Complete)
  • Go to the Kansas City Symphony

Then I have this that I'm also proud of. I color in another tenth of the car whenever I've come up with another $300. I'm only at the $300 mark right now, but in a couple pay checks I should be able to fill in the $600 mark. I'll also update this on here. =)


  1. haha so how do you expect to go to New York City, California, a mission trip, a tropical vacation, five different concerts, and STILL afford a new car?!? Is "becoming a millionare" one of your goals, too? lol jk

  2. My apologies if that sounded discouraging at all.

  3. lol...who is this? And I wanted to put ambitious things on the list..and no I don't expect to do them all. But for your information, I'm going to Florida twice this year and going on two mission trips. A road trip to Branson too, mind you. *cough*

  4. And I might work 30-40 hours a week in the summer, when I'm not on a trip that is... Drake.

  5. !!!! *whispers* not so loud! I'm still laying low after "the incident" in Mexico. I can't be too careful, or the Mexican authorites might track me down! And then you can "Adios" to this senior!

  6. ??!? Am I supposed to act like I know what you're talking about??
    Too late I guess.
