Saturday, May 8, 2010

Just some recent thoughts

Good morning, blog.

Yesterday, I was thinking of something that just blows my mind. I've thought of this a few times before.

Out of all the 195 countries (Yes, I googled that) that I could have been born in, I was born in the one that's the world, "super power". The one country that other countries rely on. The one country that has so much, yet so many depressed people. The one that has all different types of cultures.

I was born, literally, smack dab in the middle of this country.

I could have been one of the millions of babies that are aborted every year.

I could have been born in a communist country.

I could have been born in a third world country, where you're lucky if you even survive another day.

As a kid, I use to think, "Wow, out of all the insects and mammals there are, I was chosen to be apart of the dominant species." Of course, I didn't think that exact thing. I was a dumb kid. heehee. But seriously, I could have been one of the billions of other species of organisms in the world!

I could have been born as an alien in space (chuckle, chuckle) messing with peoples minds, talking in a strange language, and have big bulgy eyes.

It's amazing to think of all the other possibilities, yet I was born here.

I've always known God had a special plan for my life that he's going to carry out one day. I always felt I was made for big things. I know I can accomplish anything. Whenever I've set big goals for myself, I've intended on reaching them, and I have before. I admit, some of the goals I've set I've just given up on because of a loss of interest, but I know if I really wanted to do something, I could.

It gives me even more of a motivation if someone doesn't believe I can do something, because I can turn right around and do it to prove them wrong.

I do believe that, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

With this mind set, I believe God is going to do great things through me.

That is all.

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