Thursday, May 6, 2010

Meaning behind the name

Hello all. I decided to make a blog that isn't limited to writing creatively, because recently I haven't been able to, sadly.
Anyways, I was originally going to call this blog, " A Wave Tossed In The Ocean" After the song, "Who am I" by Casting Crowns. Because that accurately describes all our lives in a way that we can relate to nature, and I loved that. Unfortunately, that was taken. I then was going to choose, "A Flower quickly fading." But, I didn't think that sounded creative enough. A flower doesn't really fade, speaking in real terms. It's interesting to picture a flower fading, but I wanted it to relate more to a common phenomenon in nature, such as a wave in the ocean, so instead I wanted to say, "Withering."
I changed, "Flower" to "Rose" because a flower is too general, and roses are my favorite flower because of their symbolism. So, no personal conceit there, I'm not comparing myself to the beautiful physical characteristics of the rose. ^_^ And I chose swiftly, because quickly just doesn't flow well enough...and swiftly sounds more poetic.

No, I do not plan on being an English teacher. Heehee.

Hopefully I'll get at least a couple readers. =(
And I put the cat on the hat on the side, because well, he's awesome. Dr. Seuss is da bomb. And maybe since I spiced up this blog a little, people will come back. ;-)

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