Monday, February 20, 2012

Life Change.

I feel it's approaching

The days that I will be taken down a wild, unconventional road in this life

I find out in just a couple of weeks whether or not I'm getting accepted into Moody, and I don't want to get my hopes up too high...but I've tried to imagine me not getting accepted, and I can't comprehend it. I also try to imagine myself getting accepted into Moody, and I can't comprehend it whether or not I get in, I'm bound to have my perspective on things change, and possibly the direction of my entire life.

It's been a bit grueling waiting to find out...fighting depression, anxiety and insecurity. I feel once I know, I will be more at peace, whatever it is I do find out.

Chicago has a special place in my heart ever since taking the little trip I did there...and I've always loved the city as well. How grand it would be to live right in the middle of the city....

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