Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Eccentricities

Unfortunately, there are many things about me that I am annoyed with every day...but also, these things have led me to live in a very different manner every day. I guess I wanted to bring these things out in the open for some that may giggle from it, some may understand better why I do certain weird things, and some may be relieved to know that I am aware of these things about myself, and know I am more annoyed with these things than they, because I have to live with them every day.

1. I can't ever take short-cuts, cheat on something, or do things the beginner way and ever take pride in those things.

For instance, I have a violin I like to mess around on every now and then, although I can't even read notes and really don't know anything about violins...but I can't seem to keep the beginner fingering tape on it. I've put it on and taken it off probably about three times now, because I think I do well enough with playing my little "Amazing Grace" tune...but to me, I'm not really playing it unless that fingering tape is off that shows me where to play. I'm not satisfied with my "tune"...but at the same time, I want to teach myself how to play the notes right. So thus the, "To tape, or not to tape" war has not ended, and probably won't end anytime soon. That's just one example out of many, many things I apply that to.

2. I do not like florescent lighting

My room is always dimly lit by three lamps, all with incandescent light bulbs.
(except for one of them, and I don't like having to turn it on...) and it infuriates me when someone turns on the main lights in the room since they're too bright and florescent.

3. When I want something (materially), I get it.

This has to be the eccentricity I dislike about myself the most. The reason for that is because when I find something I really want, I cannot get my mind off of it, and all of a sudden, barriers I have put up become nothing. Barriers like money, distance, or even time. All of a sudden those factors are of little importance to me. I cannot go on my favorite t-shirt website Threadless because I cannot go on there anymore without purchasing anything, even if I told myself I was only browsing. (I recently fell victim to it, once again.) There has been many more things much more ridiculous than that that I am too embarrassed to even say what they were.

4. I develop other people's habits and mannerisms

This is the most embarrassing one for me. When I spend enough time around certain people, I start to laugh like them, say the same words and phrases they do, and take on their same mannerisms. Many have been creeped out and annoyed by this particular little quirk of mine.

I spent a summer around a couple of people that snorted sometimes when they laughed, and before I had never snorted when I I do at times.

5. I have to try new things

This thing isn't necessarily annoying to me about myself all the time...but it can tend to be similar to number 3. I get an insatiable urge to try something new every now and then. I cannot stand monotony. (Which is also why I have a different morning routine every waking day) That's why I got my lip pierced before (and took it out a week later), want to work on a farm someday, and also has been the means to overcoming some past fears... so some good and ridiculousness has come from it. Fortunately this was very beneficial to me when I went to Ecuador, since there were so many different things I was experiencing.

6. I am extremely picky with music

I believe a lot of people, if not most people, are picky with music...but I think I take it to a whole new extent. I seek out new music to listen to every now and then, but I never find anything that's as good as the current music I listen to. The only ways I've discovered other bands or musicians I've liked is when I've sort of had no choice but to listen to it, usually because of friends. I listen to the same bands pretty much every day, which is very limited...usually only to three, with the exception of my solo classical piano compilation I have....the only compilation of piano music I've listened to for as long as I can remember.

7. The cleanliness of my room is in a constant flux

If you were to ask me if I were a neat freak, if I were to be honest, I cannot say I am on either side of the spectrum. To put it simply: If my brain is crowded, so is my room. I can't find the motivation to clean my room unless my mind is clear first, and that means being relieved of stress or whatever is crowding my brain. Once that is accomplished, I can clean everything in great detail and efficiently. This applies to how well I do at work too.

But probably the worst one of all to me is:

8. I can't ever commit to big projects and carry them out.

This is the reason why I will probably never be able to write a book. I've tried in the past, and have never been able to finish these big projects. Unfortunately, I get bored of the idea of them and move on to a more exciting idea to me before I'm able to finish it.

And that's my list, hope you enjoyed. Now I'm going to go back to living my eccentric life...

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