Thursday, June 7, 2012

Spiritual Blessings

Today I am remembering Romans 8:28:

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. "

This verse brings me comfort in many different areas in my life, but especially with everything that's going on now...
From finances, to a wandering friend, to thinking about leaving behind those I love dearly this fall...

When this happens, I think the greatest way to put myself at peace is to look on my past, and how each time a situation has come up that I've worried about, God has provided for me...Never once has He let me down in any way.
In fact, each kind of trial that I've faced, I've always come out of it more humble, grateful, blessed, learned, and dependent on Christ. There is never a need for me to worry for this reason, but there is always a need for me to put it in God's hands, and trust Him to work through my troubles.

I am so thankful for all the spiritual blessings He's given me recently:

A yearning to learn more
and knowledge of His Word to delight in.

Thank you Lord for these things. Help me not to take my days for granted that You have blessed me with. Work your will through me, make me clean, and place in my heart the desires of Your heart. Amen.


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. You are my precious little angel, How I love you so. ~ Mom

  3. That's my favorite verse :) I love reading how the truth of it brings such peace to others. Thanks for sharing!
