Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Biggest Step

Yesterday, I discovered that I will be taking the biggest step of faith I've probably ever taken in life with going into this first semester of school.

I have not taken out a loan, and practically drained my bank account.

I didn't expect things were going to happen this way, and it was a bit hard for me to accept that this is what God wanted me to do, because I was so anxious about it....but I know this is what He wants.

Before, I felt I had so much to fall back on, and as a result, I was reckless with my money. I should have had a lot more saved up than I did.

But I have committed my life to following God's will for my life where ever He takes me. In whatever time, place, or circumstance, I am trusting He will bring me through it.

I can officially say I am poor....but through that, I will be made so much richer.

I am leaving behind my job that I was so secure in, and I always had bonuses thrown at me that I didn't expect...but because of that, I did not deal with my money wisely.

Though it was a daunting thing to me at first, now I realize that this is going to be such a blessing for me in my life. I will learn more about dealing with my money through these circumstances than I probably ever would in any financial class. God has given me an opportunity to put my trust in Him...and He's going to work through this circumstance of mine for my spiritual growth. In that, I am grateful.

I echo the two words I've been hearing all week at VBS....."Trust God!"


  1. Remember my favorite verse every day through-out the day. It gives me great peace as it will you, my precious daughter. Ex.14:14 The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still. (TRUST HIM)

  2. I'm praying for you April. This is an awesome opportunity for you!
