Sunday, July 22, 2012

Two Weeks

I leave for school in two weeks...and it has proved to be more of a painful thing than I imagined.

When I left for Ecuador, it was the longest I had been away from home (Ten weeks), but I was excited and anxious more than anything. I knew that God was sending me on a life-changing adventure, and that was so exciting to me.

That doesn't even compare to leaving this fall though. I stopped counting down the days a couple of days ago...but today people reminded me I had two weeks left. I feel like a huge part of my life is being removed from me. Everything and everyone I grew up with, and everything I've made of my life here in Kansas.

I've always been more excited than anything when I've felt God was sending me somewhere. I know God is sending me to Moody Bible Institute. I remember being in anticipation of my acceptance letter, and feeling like I wasn't going to be accepted. I cried out to God from the depths of my soul, "Why wouldn't you send me there Lord!? I want to go so that I can serve You! Why wouldn't you want me to serve you??"  And when I got that acceptance letter, I had so much joy well up in me that I couldn't express.

I didn't know that two weeks from my departure to Washington, I would feel such incredibly deep sorrow. I feel like everything around me the past nineteen years is coming to an end, and that I'm going to go and live a totally different life.

Oh Lord...God. I am going to Moody in order to serve You. Comfort me and be with me at this time. Lord, help me to know my home is not in Kansas or in Spokane...but it is where I will be with You to serve You for eternity...

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